He obtained a degree in Environmental Sciences from the SENA and is the Storage Supervisor of a major retail company in Colombia.
Eliana Pacheco Cevantes
She graduated as a nurse from the CESMAG, a nursing institution in Santa Marta.
She also graduated as a pre-school teacher and is working in a local school.
Daniel Méndez
He became a paramedic assistant from the Adventist University in Medellin 2009.
He is a paramedic and a fire fighter in Medellin.
Sergio Vergara Pérez
He graduated as an Electricity Technician from the SENA, but continued his studies in Business Administration at the University of Magdalena. He graduated in March 2016, and works for a food chain company.
Edgardo Núñez Hurtado
He obtained a degree in Systems Engineering from the UNAD,
(National University At Distance).
He is the Assistant Director of the UNAD.
He is happily married and the proud father of a boy.
José Alberto Quiroz Pineda
He obtained the degree in Industrial Refrigeration from the SENA.
He is the director of the AC department of a major company for the entire country.
Jorge Manjarrez Hurtado
He obtained a degree in Business Administration from the UNAD,
(National University At Distance).
He works fulltime and finished a specialization in inventory logistic in the University of Magdalena.
Arthur Burgos Rodríguez
He obtained a degree as an Electronic Engineer from the UCC (Cooperative University of Colombia).
He worked for a Telecomunications Company but formed his own Private Contracting Company and is a successful business man. He is happily married.
Alexander Cuello Revuelta
He obtained a degree in Business Administration from the UNAD,
(National University At Distance).
As the treasurer of his company, he finished a specialization in finances. He is happily married and the proud father of a boy.